
This website is maintained by International Literary Properties, proud co-owners of the Georgette Heyer estate, with the support of the Heyer family.

All rights and permissions are handled by The Ampersand Agency Ltd. Please contact Peter Buckman,

“Every work of art is a child of its age”

— Wassily Kandinsky

In the UK, Georgette Heyer’s novels are published by Penguin Random House whose general approach is to leave the books as the author wrote them. They do not endorse the language or depictions in some of these books, but encourage readers to consider the works critically and in their historical and social context.

In the US and elsewhere, some of the currently published versions of Georgette Heyer’s works have been lightly edited. Scholars or other interested parties who want access to the original texts, please contact

For general enquiries, please fill out the form below.

    The Queen of Regency Romance