Read a welcome letter from the Heyer family

22 November 2023

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the official Georgette Heyer website.

My grandmother was a very private person who refused to be interviewed about her work, saying “You will find me in my books.” But I knew her as my grandmother. I was her only grandchild; she died when I was eight, but she never forgot my birthday, sent me presents when I was away at school, and on holidays let me cuddle up with her on her sun lounger in her Gloucester Road garden.

People often ask me what she was like, and I can’t tell them much more as I never knew her as an adult. But I am proud to remember her as a writer who took immense trouble over her research; who was at pains to get her facts, descriptions, and dialogue absolutely right; and who used her imagination and wit to create stories and characters that have given enormous pleasure to millions of readers over many years.

On behalf of her family, I am pleased to welcome you to the official Georgette Heyer website, which I hope will deepen your enjoyment of her writing.

Warm Regards and Happy Reading,

Nick Rougier